
Podcast: Vater, Mutter, Gott: Das Göttliche und das Geschlecht
(WDR Lebenszeichen, 09. April 2023)

Northwest Now: Religion and COVID
(PBS Northwest Now, Staffel 13, Folge 11, 12. November 2021)

Forum on Faith: Sukkot: Are You Going to Vanity Fair?
(Danbury NewsTimes, 12. Oktober 2019)

Davar Acher: The Times They Are A-Changin‘
(Antwort auf Rabbi Prof. Mark Saperstein’s „Remember the Days of Old“,, 23. September 2017)

Forum on Faith: The Meaning of Passover, Then and Now
(Danbury NewsTimes, 15. April 2017)

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